Salesman gay porn stories

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His team has been state champions for the past three years. He has been a biology techer and head wrestling coach for the past five years at River High School in his home town.

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His wrestling career has developed his body into a real sexy hunk. Joel is a handsome and hot hunk weighing 190-hard pounds stands 6-feet and 2-inches black curly well-trimmed hair brown eyes a muscled almost hairless body except for his head hair, underarms and dark pubic hair a massive 9-inch cut thick cock with big oversized balls full of cum and he was a regional and state wrestling champ during his high school years as well as a conference champion his junior and senior years in college. Joel, a 30-year-old high school teacher and wrestling coach and former collegiate wrestler at 190-pounds, during his 2019 summer break from teaching is a door-to-door salesman for a men's athletic sports clothing firm to supplement his limited income as a high school teacher and coach.

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